Thursday, March 27, 2008

I've washed my car twice this week...

For some reason, every time I wash my own car I feel a strange sense of what I can only call "pride in frugality." I sorta get the same feeling when I'm gardening or mowing my lawn. I'm not sure how to describe it...I know, it's silly. But when I think about it, I don't know many people who wash their own cars. So, maybe that's it...I feel special because I'm different? Hmm...naw, it's more than that. When I wash my car, I think about my financial goals. I think about when I pay the car off. I think about paying my house off early. I think about maxing out my 401K and Roth IRA contributions. Every time without fail, my mind drifts to thoughts of financial peace while I'm shining up the car. All that just because I'm saving $17 bucks on a job at the local hand car wash? Sheesh! I am weird.


A.L. said...

I don't think you're weird. It's the little sacrifices that keep us on track for the big ones, that help us remember what we are striving for. A wise old saying. "Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves". Go ahead and shine it up! A.L.

cMc said...

That's awesome! I love reading your blog and I'm just as bad about leaving comments!! LOL Thanks, shegazelle, for all the financial tidbits!

Anonymous said...


I just found from from DR's organization that it would be helpful to get 10 sign-ups for a new class. If you could, please post an article and let's see if we can put a class together soon.

Thanks for all you do!

The Facilitator

Whoapony said...

Your not weird at all.... the little things add up... I'm considering putting my new daughter on generic brand formula to save $60/ month...still thinking it through and researching.. Love reading your blog it helps keep me movitated:)