Saturday, February 2, 2008

Imagine clowns in a car at the circus...kinda like that

Evening all. Just got home from a day trip to IKEA. I say day trip because from where I live it's about 3 hours away. Hegazelle, me and a friend hit the road this morning at 7am and arrived when the store opened. The place is a HUGE maze and they have it set up so you kind of have to go thru every department to get to the end of the maze. We shopped from 10am until we checked out at 2pm.
You're not going to believe this next part, but rest assured in the integrity of this blog. We loaded our Volvo down. The contents of the vehicle on our drive home was as follows: 1 King size mattress (obviously rolled and VERY vacuum packed,) a new 6 drawer dresser, a comforter and duvet (known at IKEA as a quilt and quilt cover,) 2 lamps, 2 pillows and 3 people. I PROMISE. My friend and I ended up in the front seats with our knees seemingly visible over the dashboard. Hegazelle, ever the world's greatest car packing guru, conceded one of the boxes containing parts of our dresser would not fit in the trunk. He insisted on sitting in the backseat with it across him and the mattress protruding from the trunk into the other seat. I tried to talk him into taking it back inside and we'd just get one on another trip, but he urged me to hurry and drive away before he changed his mind.
By now we've unfolded and the blood is circulating properly to all parts of our bodies, including our legs and toes.
I may share more later, but as you may well guess we are a bit fatigued. I go now to spend one of my last few nights on the "killer mattress."
Night night!


Katie Booker said...

You should have taken pictures.... I would have loved to see that!

SheGazelle said...

No room for a camera!

I should've...