Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New look

So, 2 out of 10 voters dislike the new look. Well, I guess ya win some and ya lose some. I made the changes two weeks ago after much thought, preparation and template tweaking. So tell me now, is there something about the new page that you think needs changing? A particular font color that's difficult to read or something you would like placed elsewhere?
Just thought I'd ask your opinion since you are the readers after all.
And thanks for reading.


PJ said...

I LOVE the new look!

In fact, it inspired me to make the change over at MyndFood...nobody likes my new look though...

I want to know where you got the template...and how you made the format changes!

Katie Booker said...

Keep the new look. Its definitely working!!!
Love ya

SheGazelle said...

Thanks guys!

pj, there are some great templates out there, including some 3 column ones that you might like. As soon as I have a chance (and remember) I will email you some of the sites I looked thru.