Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gazelle Grab Bag

If you're a reader of Huey Happenings, you know that Hegazelle and I are in the process of interviewing a few doulas. This is our most recent baby expense. In my local area, the price range I have found for a doula is between $500-$1200. The price is often related to their experience, and also if they have other certifications such as if they're also a midwife or lactation consultant. Insurance companies should get it together and cover doula services for birthing women. It just makes sense to me. But alas, this is to be an out-of-pocket expense for these gazelles. Nonetheless, we'll pay the money, 'cause we will not go without what we view as an essential service for both of us.

$326.52. That's how far away we are from our May goal for our emergency fund. Thank God for our jobs and His provision.

And as if life hasn't tried enough this year to keep Hegazelle from work, he had to report for jury duty yesterday afternoon! They had a case they predicted would last a month, and asked those for whom this would create a hardship to stay behind while the others went on. Then with no questions asked, Hegazelle was dismissed!
Can't a poor guy just be allowed to work? That's all he wants to do is work- not sit at home receiving large worker's comp checks, not attend more physical therapy sessions because of a car accident, and not serve a month on a jury. Go away, Murphy!