Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Stuff

There are still 3 pay days left in May, and we've already paid $509 on the car so far! And this coming Friday we'll cross the mark into the $4000's. It's getting so close I can taste it!

Hegazelle plays softball on Monday nights these days, so I grocery shop, come home and prepare things for our lunches for the week. For some reason grocery shopping really wears me out. I shop weekly, and only buy about $30 worth, but I'm still tuckered out afterwards. The remedy: Rockstar PUNCHED. This is the most expensive habit I think I've ever had, but I limit myself to one 24oz can per week. It's the lovely taste that has me- I've NEVER liked energy drinks. They always tasted like cough syrup to me. But imagine a lightly carbonated Hawaiian Punch...that's what it tastes like- only lovelier. :-) The moral of the story- don't try one. You'll just get hooked and waste a bunch of money like me.