Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's the American Way

I meant to post this comic strip at Christmas time, but it slipped by me. But now is about the time everyone who financed their Christmas gifts will start getting their bills. It's a happier January with no Visa bills, right?!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog, so much so, I am going to have a yard sale on the first weekend of February in your honor. Ok, that's a bit far, but I did just pay off one of my credit cards!

SheGazelle said...

Hey, that is GREAT! I remember last year when we paid off our Visa and our Home Depot cards...that felt SO good. That Visa balance seemed like it had been around forever!

Anonymous said...

Yes! My credit card balances decreased in January instead of increasing. I love it. And by the end of the month I will have one less balance to think about. Yippee! I love this cartoon.

SheGazelle said...

Right on! I say throw a "Zero Balance" party every time you pay somethin' off. I wanna have one reeeal soon.

PJ said...

Zero AVAILABLE balance?

OH! No-that's not appropriate for this venue, is it?