Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobs and Company Christmas Parties

Friday is my company party. I have yet to hear of a company that throws a better Christmas party. I work for a relatively young company with approx. 20 employees, but many of us have worked here for 5+ years. So, when we get together at Christmas time we have plenty to reminisce about. I've had my complaints this year due to some transitions and the boss moving out of town, but I have to say I have a pretty good job and a pretty cool boss. I'm compensated with more than an hourly wage- 100% of my insurance premiums are paid by my employer, I have a 100% match on my 401K contributions, 2 weeks paid vacation, sick pay, and various other perks that come along unexpectedly sometimes. While it's not a perfect place to work (that place doesn't exist) it's not too shabby, and I'm thankful for my job. Oh yeah- I'm thankful for my Christmas bonus too.
The following Friday is hegazelle's company party, and while he works for a relatively groovy company, it's still not as good as mine! His company Christmas party is certainly not comparable to mine, but we go and we eat out of respect to his boss. Hegazelle's company started a program with its employees about 3 months ago. The program offers service contracts to their customers which includes some great discounts on replacement parts. The employees get a $5 commission for each agreement they sell. Each month they post a list of employees from top sellers on down, and every time hegazelle has been tops. How cool is that?! The crazy thing is he's beating the rest of the crew by a large margin. There are other ways that hegazelle can earn commissions on his job, and I'm proud to say overall he's doing a great job.
Jobs are certainly something to be thankful for. There are too many people without one to take a good one for granted.
And I certainly don't take for granted the food at our company Christmas party! Just to make you salivate unnecessarily, I will share the menu with you: Bacon-wrapped filet mignon, lobster tails, vegetable (likely greenbean casserole), twice-baked potatoes, bread and a plethora of desserts to choose from. Can you tell I'm really into this?
Hope your company party is at least half as good as mine, and be sure to thank your boss for your job while you're there!


Anonymous said...

I, too, am blessed to have a great job with a lot of "perks" and people I've worked with so long that they feel like family. Our Christmas Party this year will be at the Anaheim Sheraton right next to Disneyland. The menu is a choice of Filet mignon or Halibut with all the trimmings. The best part for me will be watching my fellow employees enjoy themselves in a non-work related environment. Believe me it is a sight to behold. It will afford me many chuckles through the new year. :)

SheGazelle said...

Very, very cool! And I'm getting pretty hungry with all this talk of fine food.
May your party be merry and bright!

Katie Booker said...

Well I have to "company" Christmas party is THE BEST!!! It consists of Phillip.......and ME!!!

It couldn't get better than that! =)

So you all can be very jealous that you don't own your own business!

And I am VERY VERY thankful for our "Company"!

Anonymous said...

Well, just to make you all jealous, I got to go to Phillip & Katie's "Company Christmas Party" tonite - and it was delish! It was at the BOMB restaurant.

Your menus have nothing on their Christmas party: Alligator appetizers, Conch Fritters, Nearly Raw Tuna Steak with WASABI (Phillip's favorite!), Grilled Grouper with Shrimp, etc. etc. etc. And the BEST dessert possible - PINKBERRY!!!

I am very very thankful for their "Company" too. And, grateful that I got to go to their Christmas party with them.

Thanks Guys!!

Anonymous said...

For the record HG is not me. It is a friend of Katie Booker's. I was at shegazelle's party.