Sunday, November 18, 2007

Giving Thanks for My Inheritance

Sorry, but this post is not likely to have much to do with personal finance. But in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, I write it nonetheless.

I'm certain I'm not alone in this, but for the last little while as Thanksgiving approaches I've had someone on my mind. Someone I've always been thankful for, but seemingly more now.
Thanksgiving was my Papa's favorite time. This will be my first one without him.
He loved only God more than he did his family and getting together with them. Just being with all of us never failed to bring tears to his eyes. Six kids and a slew of grandkids and great-grandkids- yet I always felt like I was special to him, and I know the rest did too.
My Papa believed the Bible and preached it- just the way it was written. He raised his kids to believe the Word, and because of it, I in turn know that there is one God and His name is Jesus. If he can see us, and if tears of joy are allowed in heaven, he's cryin' those tears every Sunday morning when my cousin teaches that same Word.
The Bible says that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. My Papa may not have left me a dime, but he left me an inheritance greater than money by teaching truth.

**Note: If the day/date at the top of this post throws you off, that's because I started writing this on Sunday. I guess I have a bit of my Papa in me because my tears have delayed me for two days.


Anonymous said...

If I could remember all the comments of praise he relayed to me of you over the years, it would bring tears all the more. He loved you dearly. He made us all feel like we were his favorite.
Well done...

Anonymous said...

The floodgates are open here again as well...we were all special, I know I felt it too. Thanks for posting this wonderful blog.

Katie Booker said...

I knew your Papa, but not in the way that you knew him at all, and yet the way you tell of him brings tears to my eyes too.

We all have so much to be thankful for! I'm so thankful for the grandparents I had in my life...they left me an inheritance above any other!